The AMVETS RIDERS Mission Statement
We the AMVETS RIDERS are a dedicated and patriotic group of motorcycle riders who hold true to an unwavering respect for our Nation, our Flag, and our Military… past, present and future. We are committed to the freedom of this Nation, to provide community service and fellowship, and to preserve and support the aims and goals of the AMVETS National Organization.
Chuck Eglhaut President Riders Chapter 88 Greensburg
AMVETS Honor Guard Pictures from Memorial Day 09
Jill Peterson Ladies Aux. President Post 88
Honoring a recent departed member
Chuck raising or lowering flag
The Honor Guard 21 gun salute
The Honor Guard 21 gun salute
Being A Veteran Is A Lifetime Appointment “Ernie”
“It’s not the price you pay to belong, it’s the price you paid to be eligible”